You will be assisted by a life insurance agent to get the perfect type of life insurance instead of getting life insurance quotes. The life insurance agent will introduce you with whole life insurance and term life insurance. Each kind of insurance has different policy, terms, and conditions. The decision to get a particular type of life insurance depends on your needs. Therefore, you may be interested to get an annual renewable term life insurance.
An annual renewable term life insurance has one year term. If you think that other kinds of insurance policies are too complicated, you can just get this one since it is able to last for only one year. If the insured person dies within that one year, the beneficiary will receive the death benefit. Otherwise, there will be no benefit paid if the insured person dies more than one year such stated in the insurance policy. People usually get this annual renewable term life insurance from five to thirty years. A person must renew this term life insurance every year. You should know that the annual premium will increase each year. Hence, at the end of the term, the premium becomes higher. People should considerate this matter properly.
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